I made a windfall fruit juice, after a stormy day knocked fruit off the trees. Added some honey and sugar with the juice and water. It has been a good pick me up drink. Also made a Waste Not Want Not Soup, with leftover veggies from other dinners. With some garlic, and rosemary YUM! Have also been making cupcakes for Birthdays, and a batch of mini cupcakes for DS12 shared lunch today.
Now the next challege is to stay out of the shops during School Holidays. The temptation to have takeaways, and ready-made snacks is so much stronger in Winter School Holiday time (well for our family). But not this time! Firstly it's time for a clean up, and declutter. The problem with a little home and 4 children is how easy it is to fill with stuff. It's felt more overwelming lately due to not been able to go outside as often.
- This coming week my DH is also home for a week long holiday, so this is going to be a TOTAL family working bee.
- We will be doing a room a day, till it is all done. There are 7 rooms in the house, we have 9 days. But with 2 of those days being Sunday - Day of Rest, means we will have 7 days to do 7 rooms.
- Motavtion is we work in the morning together, so we can have the afternoon or evening to do something fun. Ideas are MOTAT, Libaray, Park, Family Games Night, Visit Grandparents, Op shops, and Friends.
- We will be declutting items we don't need. By giving them to those who can use them, clothing bins, or selling online.
- We will have some homemade snacks ready, baking, sandwiches, popcorn etc.