Saturday, January 28, 2012

Chicken Pox

DS13 is getting better from his Chicken Pox, but  slowly. Sure has kept me busy, so I haven't been able to share as much as I have wanted too.

But must say dear 'Momma' hen has been constantly laying one egg a day now. Very helpful with our baking supplies. Also she has been doing a wonderful job of cleaning up our sunflowers, lettuce, tomatoes and sliverbeet (well the ones that are going to seed).
As for the garden I will be using and old plastic toy box to move the strawberries from the kids garden and start cleaning up and filling up that part of the garden for more veggies. Hopefully also to lay a concrete edging around. Have also been filling up a large blue tub with soil to plant our guava seedling.
Our tomatoes are doing well, we have some huge beauties growing. (thanks to our dear neighbour, who gave us the seedlings).

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